The District is a municipal utility district created by an order of the Texas Water Rights Commission, a predecessor to the TCEQ, dated August 22, 1972, under Article XVI, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution, and operates under the provisions of Chapter 49 and Chapter 54 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, and other general statutes of Texas applicable to municipal utility districts. The District, which lies wholly within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston, is subject to the continuing supervisory jurisdiction of the TCEQ.
District Map
District Map – Low Resolution (PDF)
District Map – High Resolution (PDF)
The District is empowered, among other things, to finance, purchase, construct, operate and maintain all works, improvements, facilities and plants necessary for the supply and distribution of water; the collection, transportation, and treatment of wastewater; and the control and diversion of storm water. The District may issue bonds and other forms of indebtedness to purchase or construct such facilities. The District may also provide solid waste collection and disposal services.
The District is located approximately 22 miles north of the central downtown business district of the City of Houston and two (2) miles northwest of the City of Humble, Texas. The District borders the City of Houston on its east and south boundaries and is located approximately five miles north of Houston Intercontinental Airport. Access to the District is provided by Interstate Highway 45 or U.S. Highway 59 north to Farm-to-Market Road 1960. U.S. Highway 59 and other major highways and thoroughfares provide access to major employment centers in the Harris County area. The District is located within the exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston and within the boundaries of the Aldine Independent School District.
Land Use
The District contains approximately 1,357 acres, of which approximately 1,186 acres are developable. Approximately 861 acres have been developed as single-family residential subdivisions, approximately 27 acres have been developed as an apartment complex, approximately 108 acres have been developed for commercial purposes, and approximately 103 acres of commercial/multi-family reserves are served with trunk perimeter facilities, but have no vertical improvements constructed. Two schools (tax exempt) and a church (tax-exempt) are located on approximately 25 acres within the District. Approximately 62 developable acres have not been provided with water, wastewater and storm drainage facilities necessary to the construction of taxable improvements and approximately 171 acres are not developable (147 acres of park and recreation as part of Harris County Park System and 24 acres of utility sites, easements and rights-of-way).
Water distribution, wastewater collection and storm drainage facilities have been constructed to serve existing and future improvements, with over 4,500 total connections served:
- Single-Family Residential in the following subdivisions:
- Deerbrook Estates
- Kenswick
- Kenswick Forest
- Kenswick Glen
- Kenswick Meadows
- Kenswick Pines
- Kenswick Trace
- Mill Creek
- Multi-Family Residential
- Deerbrook Place apartments
- Stoneleigh Kenswick apartments
- Willowbend apartments
- Commercial
- 211 acres (over half of which is developed)
- Mainly along FM 1960 Bypass corridor and Lee Road
Description of the System
Water Supply and Storage: Three water supply plants serve the District. Water Plant No. 1, although serving the District, is located outside the east boundaries of the District. Emergency water supply is provided by an interconnect with the water supply system of Hunter’s Glen Municipal Utility District.
Conversion to Surface Water: The Authority charges the District, and other major groundwater users, a fee per 1,000 gallons consumed. The Authority also charges for surface water provided, which the District does not currently receive. These rates are periodically revised with the current rates made available on the Authority’s website: www.nhcrwa.org.
Wastewater Treatment: The District is served by a 1,500,000 gallon per day (“gpd”) wastewater treatment plant.
100 Year Flood Plain
Approximately 133 acres located within the District are within the 100 year flood plain. This property comprises the Jesse Jones Park, which is a Harris County park, owned by Harris County.
Construction and operation of the District’s water, wastewater and storm drainage system (the “System”) as it now exists or as it may be expanded from time to time is subject to regulatory jurisdiction of federal, state and local authorities. The TCEQ exercises continuing, supervisory authority over the District. Construction of water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage facilities is subject to the regulatory authority of the District, the City of Houston, Harris County, and the Harris County Flood Control District. Harris County and the TCEQ also exercise regulatory jurisdiction over portions of the District’s system.